Vessel Monitoring Systems

The vessel monitoring system (VMS) is a satellite-based fishing vessel monitoring system providing data to the fisheries authorities at regular intervals on the location, course and speed of vessels.
Among the most basic purposes is to monitor the
movement of VMS-equipped vessels with respect to restricted fishing
areas. A given vessel may have approval to fish in a restricted area,
to transit through it without fishing, or it may not be allowed in
the area.
- Catch on entry
- Weekly catch
- Transshipment
- Port of landing
- Catch on exit
Fisheries research and analysis
VMS itself can help in search and rescue (SAR), especially when the SAR organization participates in the Global Maritime Distress Safety System(GMDSS). Some VMS have built-in Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRB), or SART capability although a dedicated VMS unit may not be able to have an emergency beacon that automatically floats to the surface and starts transmitting when it detects it is in salt water. At the very least, the SAR agency can get a last reported location of the vessel, and perhaps its course, from the FMC.
VMS obviously is part of fisheries enforcement,
but, along with other systems, it can be part of overall sea
surveillance. When a radar or other sensor detects a given vessel,
VMS can tell the center that monitors the radar whether the radar
target is a known fishing vessel. There may be correlation between
These are specific safety and traffic management
systems which generally do not include specific fishery functionality
as required by VMS.

AIS is often confused as a system comparable to
VMS or VTS. AIS is a communications technology which is normally used
within VTS and VMS applications. AIS is typically used on VMS systems
deployed on smaller fishing vessels under 60tons. The implementation
of AIS as part of these systems is also often customized to include
encryption and other functionality.
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How to measure plant height using laser
The new generation of Fisheries Officers will have to be verse in new technology to allow an intelligent demonstration of new fisheries management tools like the VMS